23 November 2020

LBG Kita Jaga Kita

Update 14 JAN 2021:
100 BOXES OF NOODLES FULLY CLAIMED! We will do our best to have more initiatives to give back to our community! Stay tuned to our Instagram (@littlebabygrains) and Facebook (Little Baby Grains) for updates!

The COVID-19 pandemic and Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) is a challenging time for all and we want to do whatever we can to help! LBG Kita Jaga Kita is aimed at helping all B40 parents. We would like to giveaway 100 boxes of noodles to our B40 parents absolutely FREE! We will also bear the shipping charges to you. Just fill out the form at the bottom of this page and we will take care of the rest.

#staysafe #LBGkitajagakita

Penularan wabak COVID-19 dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) susah untuk semua dan kami ingin membantu. LBG Kita Jaga Kita bertujuan untuk membantu semua ibubapa dalam golongan B40. Kami ingin menyumbangkan 100 kotak mi kepada ibubapa B40. Kos penghantaran juga akan dipikul oleh LBG. Anda hanya perlu mengisi borang dan kami akan menghantar beras itu kepada anda! Kami berharap sumbangan kami sedikit sebanyak dapat meringankan beban anda!

#staysafe #LBGkitajagakita

Why 100 boxes?  |  Mengapa 100 kotak? 

The pandemic has affected Little Baby Grains too. We would love to help more, but unfortunately, the last few months have been very challenging for our business. This month, we are finally able to carry out our aim of helping those who need a helping hand and we will do our best!

What will I need to prove that I'm a B40 parent?

All we need from you is a screenshot from the Semakan Bantuan Prihatin Nasional website. The name on the screenshot must be the same as the name of the applicant for LBG Kita Jaga Kita.

Is there an age limit for my child in order for me to qualify for this donation?

Yes, this donation is for parents with children aged 12 and below.

I have applied for LBG Kita Jaga Kita. But I didn't get it. Why?

Please reach out to us via e-mail (hello@littlebabygrains.com), or Instagram or Facebook! We will check and get back to you promptly!

Terms and Conditions

1. This giveaway is limited to 1 box of noodles per household.

2. The noodles will be given away on a first come, first serve basis. If there are more than 100 applicants, we will give away the boxes to the first 100 applicants.

3. Semakan Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) screenshot is required to prove B40 status.

4. The name in the Semakan BPN screenshot must be the same as the name in the application form.

5. You do not need to be an existing customer of LBG in order to qualify for this giveaway. We just want to help all needy parents!

Terma dan Syarat

1. Sumbangan ini terhad kepada 1 kotak mi untuk setiap rumahtangga.

2. Mi ini akan diberi kepada 100 pemohon yang pertama. Sekiranya terdapat lebih daripada 100 pemohon, 100 pemohon yang pertama akan menerima sumbangan mi ini.

3. Screenshot Semakan Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) diperlukan untuk membuktikan kelayakan, iaitu hanya untuk golongan B40. 

4. Nama pada screenshot Semakan BPN screenshot mestilah sama dengan nama pemohon. 

5. Sumbangan ini tidak terhad kepada pelanggan Little Baby Grains sahaja. Sesiapapun boleh memohon. Kami ingin membantu mereka yang memerlukan bantuan!